Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The tagging has reached rock bottom

So as I read threw my blogs this morning I notice that Phinn @ One Among Many has started a question about who was your first blogger poster. I read it and the enclosed link thinking how cool it will be to see. Later in the day I notice Ratter's has a new post up and he in turn tags BBB. Well about 30 minutes ago I notice that BBB has a new post go over to read it and get knocked out of my chair. The reason for this is that somehow I got included on a list that has some heavy weight blogs on it, I mean these are people that get read because they are if not the best they are definitely in the top tier. I most certainly do not think I belong in such esteemed company but will do my best to at least share my first post that had a blogger comment. Why wipes are my fault got a comment from BBB himself which included many kind words.

Now whom to tag i shall take from my reader.

Alts Ahoy

Two and a half Orcs

Rambling of a learner

These are the blogger's along with BBB that said some wonderfully nice things about me after a Kara pug run and my way of showing appreciation to them I created this outlet for the drivel that passes for my thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome Grai! Glad to see you're still happilly blogging along :) And awesome that you intended to thank your first commenter before you were ever tagged!
